
Site Pessoas com Deficiência (PCD)

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Georgie Craig is pictured here with his mum Naomi Jamieson (30) in the therapy centre where he has taken his first unaided steps. See Ross Parry copy RPYWALK : A little boy born with a condition that left his parents fearing he might never walk has taken his first miracle steps – thanks to a special ‘space suit’ using NASA technology. Brave Georgie Craig, aged three, was born with Global Development Delay, a cruel condition that left him unable to walk or properly communicate. The NHS offered little chance of help and so his family began doing research on specialist therapy that would help him take his first steps. Parents Naomi Jamieson, 30, and Dean Craig, 28, a steel worker, discovered Therapy in Praxis in Harrogate, North Yorks., that offered specialist therapy and began fundraising. Paul Macnamara/

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